Welcome To Prometric TC Net Prometric is the leading worldwide provider of comprehensive technology based testing and assessment services.

Welcome to the DSST Program Online!

Made available by Prometric, the DSST Program is used by colleges and universities to award college credit to individuals that have demonstrated knowledge comparable to completing a classroom course in the subject.

DSST Practice Examinations: Prometric is pleased to bring you practice examinations for a variety of our college credit examinations. These practice exams and additional resources are intended to help you feel more confident in taking your DSST examination.

The practice examinations do NOT include actual examination questions. All questions pertain to general terms and concepts within the subject area. The fee for each title is US$19.95, which is only payable by credit card and is a non-refundable expense. You will have up to 1 full day or 2 attempts to complete the test.

Each examination contains multiple choice questions and provides you with immediate score results. The results are not intended to indicate how well you will do on the actual examination, but they will help you to find what content areas you need more study in, and what the exam experience is like.


* Effective 01 November 2008, all DSST subject exams will undergo a price increase from $70 to $80 per exam. *

DSST Examinations:  The actual DSST examinations are all proctored. A certified proctor must be present in order to gain access to the examination. The test fee for each title is US$70, which is only payable by credit card and is a non-refundable expense. After completion of your examination, your results will be made available to you at the test center. Your official scores will be sent to the college of your choice, if the correct college code was provided during registration. 


To schedule a DSST examination, please contact your local testing center.  You can locate a test center by visiting  http://getcollegecredit.com/participating_institutions.  Please read the Candidate Information Bulletin for additional details.

Retake Rule: If you have previously taken the same DSST examination within the past 180 days by either paper or online, your scores for this examination will be considered invalid and Prometric will notify the designated institution.

Please Note: The practice examinations and actual DSST examinations are completely separate. The first time you sign up for a DSST examination, you will have to register as a First Time User, regardless of whether or not you registered for a practice examination previously.