Welcome To Prometric TC Net Prometric is the leading worldwide provider of comprehensive technology based testing and assessment services.

 Welcome to the Nokia Online Testing Center!


Internet-based testing allows you to:

·         Start a web-based certification exam

·         Resume an exam (within time limits)

·         Review your test history


Nokia Certification Programs

Nokia for Business Reseller
Certification exams are for Nokia resellers, distributors, and system integrators who sell, install and support Nokia for Business security, mobility and voice solutions.

Nokia for Business Operator
Certification exams are for account managers, help desk agents and IT administrators who sell and support Nokia mobility and mobile applications.


Please note! 

If your company is participating in a Nokia for Business channel program, you must enter your Nokia company ID# upon initial registration for your company to receive credit for your certification achievement.  Please email: es.service@nokia.com for your Nokia company ID#.


now and get Nokia certified!