Welcome to Prometric Prime.
Nortel has partnered with Thomson Prometric and Nortel Education Partners, to deliver a comprehensive certification testing system. For detailed information on the Nortel Certification Program and recommended training,
click here.
The Nortel Networks Web-Based Certification System enables you to:
- Start a Web-Based Certification Exam
- Resume an exam (within the set time limits)
- Review your test history
Review your certification level
Sign-in now to register as a candidate or to start a web-based exam.
Proctored Certification Exams
Some exams in the Nortel Networks Certification Program must be taken at a proctored site. To register for a Proctored Exam, visit Prometric's Online Scheduling site at www.2test.com, or call Prometric's toll-free registration hotline at (800) 791-3926 for USA registration. Outside of the US, view our list of
registration phone numbers.